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  • Writer's pictureSaughton House

Community Garden Project!

This is a brief story of how two neighbour couples, Lucie & Vojtech and Pete & Justyna, decided to do a garden project which started back in October 2017 at the side of their homes in Saughton Mains area, also includes photos of the process.

Lucie told us that they have always wanted a garden but the waiting time for allotments was just too long and so their garden project started when her sister came to help them when their oldest son was soon to be born.

Lucie and her sister were getting bored waiting for the baby, who was already long overdue, so they decided to create a garden from the shrub bed space next to their house! Luckily the City of Edinburgh Council was supportive and let them use this space.

Lucie said, "Seeing this huge me well after the due date in the garden always makes me smile!"

There were some bushes and lots of ivy that filled the fence to the top. It took them several days and three broken spades to clear it all out! They were really pleased to have managed to clear the shrubs and ivy, and create the start of their new garden before their bundle of joy finally arrived.

Lucie said, "We share the space with our neighbours Justyna and Peter. It has been a great experience for us and the children who love to help water the plants and pick the strawberries and flowers."

Since 2017, the two neighbours have planted and cultivated vegetables, flowers and some grass. They even created a wee path.

We, the Saughton House team, absolutely love the garden and think it is a fantastic example of what we are trying to achieve in the local community and we are excited to cultivate more of these. Both neighbours support Saughton House's Community Shrub Beds project, believing it will make the local area look nicer and brighten up the place while making a positive difference.

Community shrub beds will be utilized for either individual or shared plots on public land while producing fruit, vegetables, and/or plants grown for their attractive appearance. We believe outdoor activity is vital for the health and well-being of people and ultimately helps to create and shape a healthy and vibrant community.

If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch with us!

The community shrub beds are single pieces of land, owned by the City of Edinburgh Council, and are gardened collectively by the council and the community.

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